— Noemi Blager、キュレーター兼プロデューサー

A Lot With Little is a fascinating journey into architecture, which in this project best expresses its true meaning – to listen to and accommodate people's needs, in different contexts and moments of their lives. Supporting and promoting this project for us means echoing a powerful message: in architecture — and in design — you have to put people at the center, in order to offer new and useful solutions to their needs.
Roberto Monti, CEO of Arper
"A Lot With Little is a fascinating journey into architecture, which in this project best expresses its true meaning – to listen to and accommodate people's needs, in different contexts and moments of their lives. Supporting and promoting this project for us means echoing a powerful message: in architecture — and in design — you have to put people at the center, in order to offer new and useful solutions to their needs." — Roberto Monti, CEO of Arper
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≪A Lot wWith Little≫では、10名の国際的な建築家の作品を紹介します。住宅から教育、変革、災害救援に及ぶこれらの作品はすべて、創意工夫によってリソースの不足を克服する、社会的に影響力のあるプロジェクトです。ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展での初公開のため特別に単一スクリーンに適合させた没入型のフィルム・インスタレーションは、単に視覚的な魅力に反応するのではなく、これらの空間に居住することでどのような感覚がもたらされるのかを体感するよう見学者を誘います。